A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.
--Anne Bronte
It's spring. Or it soon will be. But here in Florida, it feels as though the earth is waking from a deep slumber. Persephone has returned to Demeter, and the sun is smiling down on us. All the while, a soft breeze weaves it's way across the land, dipping in between houses, exploring the tucked away and hidden places of our civilization, gracing everything it touches with a soft caress.
If you remember from one of my earlier posts, I'm a big fan of wind. It clears my mind and frees me from my burdens, even just for a moment. It has a sort of renewing quality to it that so often we fail to get from the things in our lives.
A wind has blown the rain away and blown the sky away and all the leaves away, and the trees stand. I think, I too, have known autumn too long.
--e. e. cummings
Rejuvenation. Exhilaration. What does it for you? What can you do for an extended period of time that doesn't start to bother you, and helps you relax completely? To survive and be happy in this life, it's essential to find your zen.
I know there are people out there who don't like wind, but for me, it's beautiful. It's a natural manifestation of mother nature, and it's an example of the fact that there is always a dual nature to all things.
We are like the wind, in a way. We can be soft, gentle, exploratory. We can wrap ourselves around someone and caress them. We can be a whisper in the ear of a lover, or a relaxing presence during a time of distress.
We can also be powerful. We can overtake that which stands in our way. We can come out of nowhere, and take people by surprise. We can become a whirlwind of destruction, leaving a path of debris and chaos behind us.
The substance of the winds is too thin for human eyes, their written language is too difficult for human minds, and their spoken language mostly too faint for the ears. --John Muir
It is difficult to truly understand the world around us, sometimes. The most self-analytical person may never know why a song, or an activity, or even the wind, makes them feel as though they've just been born, and the entire world has unfolded in front of them.
Does it matter, though? Must we understand every cog in the machine? Must we break down the beauty of the world, the love in our lives, to the smallest minutia, until it can no longer be broken? I wouldn't. It is often true that the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. Search out what soothes you, what makes you feel whole, and love it. By all means, try to understand it, to know it more intimately so that you may rejoice more completely in it, but be careful not to ruin it with microscopic analysis.
Here's to hoping you find your soft breeze, your zen moment, and embracing it fully.
I know this post was a little scattered. But hey, the wind does that.

- Christophe
- College student hoping to expose people to thoughts and ideas they might not necessarily come across on a regular basis.
Hey, great quotes!
That was some deep literature. Glad I followed.
Great literary quotes!
that john muir quote is awesome. thanks..
nice post, very moving quotes